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  • Location: New York NY
  • Type: Perm
  • Job #23017

Company Overview:
An alternative investment manager with $11 billion in assets under management is seeking a Data Engineer to join their research team. This role supports the expansion of their research capabilities in managed futures.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Onboard trial data and load it for researcher access
  • Work with the research platform team to integrate best practices into a larger ecosystem
  • Understand reference data relationships to prepare for trading new markets
  • Write and maintain queries in OneTick and other high-frequency data systems
  • Build and maintain high throughput data ingestion pipelines for alternative data sources
  • Design and maintain a data quality framework
  • Collaborate with DBAs to ensure smooth operations between tech and research teams


  • Experience in managing data in a financial setting
  • Understanding of trade-offs in different architectures and choices
  • Fluency in Python
  • Knowledge of R, DuckDB, Polars, Apache Arrow, PostgreSQL, and OneTick is beneficial

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