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  • Location: New York NY
  • Type: Perm
  • Job #22877

Company Overview:
A global hedge fund with a focus on long/short equity and private investments is seeking a Compliance Officer to join their team. The firm operates across various sectors including technology, healthcare, and real estate.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Administer the Firm’s Code of Ethics, including the quarterly/annual transaction and holdings reporting obligations.
  • Surveillance of employee personal trading and review of Code of Ethics requests.
  • Maintain, organize and manage third-party code of ethics compliance portal.
  • Review expert network requests, chaperone calls and maintain adequate logs of all expert network usage.
  • Assist in the monitoring of the Firm’s long/short portfolio, review trade alerts, and monitor position limits.
  • Prepare and review various regulatory filings such as Form ADV, Form PF, 13F, 13H, TIC SLT.
  • Assist with 206(4)-7 annual testing requirements and prepare final report for the Management Committee.
  • Liaise with investment professionals, senior members of the Firm, outside counsel, and compliance consultants.
  • Analyze new regulatory requirements and design approaches to handle any new requirements.


  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel and comfortable with working with data sets.

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