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  • Location: New York NY
  • Type: Perm
  • Job #23018

Company Overview:
An alternative investment manager with over $11 billion in assets under management is seeking a Deployment and DevOps Engineer to join their Research Platform team. This role focuses on advancing their strategic research and analytics platform.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Setting up and managing the deployment methodologies of pushing code from test to staging areas to production
  • Working with research and technology to establish best practices regarding resilience and deployment methods
  • Leading the deployment process as the advocate for the research team as new models and methods are pushed into production
  • Design and implement change processes and workflows
  • Maintaining test cases and alerts on our systems


  • 5+ years experience in a dev ops role in a financial setting
  • Fluency in Python; knowledge of R is a large benefit
  • Knowledge of PostgreSQL; OneTick is a plus
  • Comfort working within AWS cloud environment

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